22-Окт-2014 22:54
(спустя 5 часов)
Если кого-то интересует, так определяются участники полуфиналов в случае равенства очков у 2 двух и более теннисисток:
Since 2003 when Finals began its current format, a semifinalist has been decided by the tie-break method 5 times (2003, 2004, 2009, 2011, 2013). The final standings of each group shall be determined by the following:
1) Greatest number of wins
2) Greatest number of matches played; or
3) Head-to-head results if only two (2) players are tied, or if three (3) players are tied then:
a. If three (3) players each have the same number of wins, a player having played less than all three (3)
matches is automatically eliminated and the player advancing to the single elimination
competition is the winner of the match-up of the two remaining tied players; or
b. Highest percentage of sets won; or
c. Highest percentage of games won
If the above tie-breaking methods produce one (1) superior player (1st place) or one inferior player (3rd place),
and the two (2) remaining players are tied, the tie between those two (2) players shall be broken by head-to-head
Факультет повышения квалификации и переподготовки специалистов на базе высшего образования частного высшего учебного заведения "БИП - Институт правоведения" (г. Минск, 2-й Путепроводный переулок, д.1, каб.6)